

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 12 Conclusion

What is Learning
Wow, this summer has been full of learning experiences. It has been really beneficial going through the learning theories, to refresh my mind, and give me new ideas. I am sure I 'learned' most of this information in my Undergrad work, but it means so much more now that I have taught students for a few years. Learning is the process of putting information in a real life context over time, and in many different situations. That definition may only make sense to me, but so be it!

Learning can be best effectuated...
Probably the overwhelming theme from all the learning theories from my perspective is learning needs to have meaning. Learning needs to have personal meaning that connects students with past experiences, and links them to future experiences. As teachers we need to help students connect with what they are learning, and challenge them to use what they have learned in everyday life.


  1. Hey Carlee,

    Isn't it interesting that even though we all read the same material and went through the same course, we all came away with different perspectives? I like reading what my collegues came out of the course learning because it helps me learn to see things from someone elses perspective. Do you think our students are the saem way? I do.

  2. Carlee, I like your comment about challenging students to use what they are learning in daily life. How much do we apply what we teach in our normal summer day? I notice that if I am not required to turn in an assignment, I am not very motivated to complete it... I also agree with Pam, we are all very different! I think the students are as well. Good luck in the future.

  3. Great thoughts, Carlee! It seems like we learn best by doing that thing ourselves. So, because we learned by doing things related to the learning theories--as you said, finding a real world context that means something to us--we are much more likely to remember and continue applying them out of the class context. That is also what we hope to achieve with our students--again, you put it well when you said to find a way to challenge them to use what they have learned in their own lives. It's been fun having this class with you!

  4. I agree with you that learning has to have meaning and be applicable to the lives of the students. As teachers we need to be able to help students connect with their past, broaden the knowledge base, and help them to use what they learn in real life problems. I have enjoyed learning all of these theories. I have only heard of a few before this class, so this was mostly new to me. I wish you the best for the remainder of the summer.

  5. my best learning experiences have always related to past and future experiences, so I think that is a good outcome to shoot for. It was a pleasure having you in class. Best of luck in the future!

  6. Hi Carlee! My name is Cari. I started a blog for each of my children and I also have a family blog. My oldest daughter is Carlee. Whereas Rose is your last name, it is my daughter's middle name. Check out this blog entry regarding my Carlee's name: http://carleerose.blogspot.com/2008/06/carlees-name.html
    So fun to meet you! I have family and friends in Utah. Many of my friends went to college at BYU and ended up settling in Utah once they graduated. I am so used to the heat here in Arizona but love to visit snow every now and again :)
