

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I was testing to see if this poll would work in the body of a blog page, testing, testing

<form method="post" action="http://poll.pollcode.com/GCNf"><table border=0 width=150 bgcolor="EEEEEE" background=http://pollcode.com/images/bg/white_diag.gif cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr><td colspan=2><font face="Comic Sans MS" size=-1 color="000000"><b>Which Banner is your favorite?</b></font></td></tr><tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value="1"></td><td><font face="Comic Sans MS" size=-1 color="000000">Banner 1</font></td></tr><tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value="2"></td><td><font face="Comic Sans MS" size=-1 color="000000">Banner 2</font></td></tr><tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value="3"></td><td><font face="Comic Sans MS" size=-1 color="000000">Banner 3</font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><center><input type=submit value="Vote">&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=submit name=view value="View"></center></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="white" colspan=2 align=right><font face="Comic Sans MS" size=-2 color="black">pollcode.com <a href=http://pollcode.com/><font color="navy">free polls</font></a></font></td></tr></table></form>

Which Banner is your favorite?
Banner 1
Banner 2
Banner 3
pollcode.com free polls

Friday, May 14, 2010

Good Things Utah

Finally Done!

I am so happy to be finally done with my master's degree, this only means one thing.. I do not have an excuse not to blog anymore... I started this blog to complete assignments for classes, but decided after I was done with school, I would start to blog for real, like family stuff etc.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 12 Conclusion

What is Learning
Wow, this summer has been full of learning experiences. It has been really beneficial going through the learning theories, to refresh my mind, and give me new ideas. I am sure I 'learned' most of this information in my Undergrad work, but it means so much more now that I have taught students for a few years. Learning is the process of putting information in a real life context over time, and in many different situations. That definition may only make sense to me, but so be it!

Learning can be best effectuated...
Probably the overwhelming theme from all the learning theories from my perspective is learning needs to have meaning. Learning needs to have personal meaning that connects students with past experiences, and links them to future experiences. As teachers we need to help students connect with what they are learning, and challenge them to use what they have learned in everyday life.