Wow, I must admit I was very skeptical before I looked at Zoho. Zoho is an online word processor similar to Microsoft Word. At first I thought no way, I love microsoft word, nothing could possibly come close. Although I am not ready to get rid of Microsoft yet by any means, I do think I could create a professional looking document on Zoho. I think it is amazing all of the free sources on the web for the public.
As I looked over the web 2.0 winners I found a funny site called Hairmixer. (It took second place in fun stuff). Any way what you do is download a picture of you, and you can put different celebrity hair on your face. I must admit I could not get my face just right it looks a little funny. It is super fun to play with though. I will post a picture, I think it is the new me.
This picture looks a lot freakier on this website, oh well.